The Uniting Church

The St Lucia Uniting is part of the Uniting Church, a uniquely Australian denomination that formed in 1977 through a union of the Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist churches in Australia.
The Uniting Church in Australia operates through National, State, Regional and Local Councils. The National Assembly oversees the Uniting Church in Australia and is engaged in National and International Issues. The Queensland Synod is the state body which supports the work of Presbyteries, Congregations and Agencies.  It is committed to the vision “Together on the Way: Enriching Community.” The St Lucia congregation belongs to the region known as the Bremer Brisbane Presbytery

The service arm of the Uniting Church, UnitingCare, is one of the largest community service organisations in the country.  The work of UnitingCare includes the operation of Aged Care facilities, Blue Nursing, Lifeline Community Care, as well as the Wesley Hospital and St Andrews Hospital. Wesley Mission Brisbane is also an active community organisation of the Uniting Church operating primarily in the South-east corner of Queensland.