We still believe Jesus changes lives. And we’re seeing it in our own lives!
So we can’t keep the goodness to ourselves. Everything we do grows from our desire to become more like Jesus and to help others know his love.
It’s an adventure that we’ll be on our whole lives.
And as we journey together we learn from one another’s stories of God’s work in them.
Won’t you join the adventure with us?

“Our call as the Uniting Church in Australia is to preach Christ the risen crucified one and confess him as Lord; To bear witness to the unity of faith and life in Christ, Rising above cultural, economic, National and racial boundaries; To engage in fearless prophetic ministry in relation to social evils which deny God’s active will for justice and peace; To act with God alongside the oppressed, the hurt, the poor; To accept responsibility for the wise use and conservation of the finite resources of this earth for the benefit of all; To recognise, treasure and use the gifts of the Spirit given to all God’s people for ministering; And to live a creative, adventurous life of faith, characterised by openness and flexibility, hope and joy.”
From the inaugural worship service of the Uniting Church in Sydney, 1977